Tag: psychology

  • How do you feel when you see something cute?

    When you see something funny, you feel amused. When you see something scary, you feel frightened. What’s the word for the emotion you feel when you see something cute? I guess some people would answer “indifferent”. But many of us feel an emotion, and we express it by going “Aww!” or “Nyaww!” How come we…

  • Review: “opera workshop” and creativity

    I went to this “opera workshop”. I was on the fence about whether to go, as I’m not especially into opera (unless you count Gilbert & Sullivan). But I love singing and I don’t get to do enough of it, and I had no clashing commitments, so I signed up. It was very enjoyable, and…

  • Scarcity mindsets and abundance mindsets

    It’s possible to have a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset with regard to various things — which is linked to, but not the same as, how abundant or scarce that thing actually is for you. The obvious things this applies to are money, time, and energy. It can also apply to creativity, social interaction,…

  • Self, subculture, or society?

    If you notice a change of any kind in the world around you, it can be hard to figure out whether you changed, or society changed, or you moved to a different subculture within society. And if society changed, was it technological progress, political change, fashion, or something else? This comes up a lot, so…

  • Job descriptions and gender

    I overheard, without context, these pairs of job descriptions being read out: “We are a dominant software engineering firm that boasts many leading clients. We are determined to stand apart from the competition.” “We are a community of software engineers who have effective relationships with many satisfied clients. We are committed to understanding the engineer…

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